Continental ContiWinterContact TS 830P is made in 101 sizes, starting from 195/65 R15 up to 255/50 R21.
Continental ContiWinterContact TS 830P belongs to the segment and is made by a manufacturer from Germany. It is made in total of 101 sizes, 195/65 R15 being the smallest and 255/50 R21 the largest. Continental ContiWinterContact TS 830P got replaced by a newer model – Continental WinterContact TS 850P.
Eu ratings can provide interesting overview over the available dimensions – 73% of Continental ContiWinterContact TS 830P has “C” wet grip rating and most (61%) of the dimensions has “E” fuel-saving rating. Noise levels of most dimensions are average – 67% of them produce 72db noise, which result in “b” overall rating.
- A high number of blocks in the shoulder area with more gripping edges guarantee that this tire will cut into snow more effectively, creating optimal grip in wintry conditions. The result – better stopping performance on snow.
- A high block rigidity in the tread pattern centre coupled with a high number of sipes lead to enhanced braking performance on icy and wet roads.
- Designed to work in harmony with Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems. ESC selectively controls a braking intervention on one wheel to stabilize the vehicle. The unique tread design ensures the braking effect of the tire and consequently the ESC effect is optimized.

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